Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Meet my kitty! NHL playoff gone wild

Hey Guys hows it going?

just a quick blog while at work, things still warming up here in Ottawa, excited to get out riding bike on the massive bike routes around my city. Also need toget some skateboarding in...might be a bit rusty on the skating after a long winter but ive been out once with a buddy already and it felt great.

NHL playoff are wild right now, Vancouver just beat Chicago last night in game 7 OT...and there the montreal Bruins game 7 tonight.....there were 4 game 7's in the first round, that hasnt happened since 1996! If you dont know much about hockey game 7 is where a winner moves on to the next round, and the loser's season is over. Hockey is my favorite sport to watch on TV by far...been watching some NBA too but pretty much just on commercial breaks from the hockey games.

On a final note I will leave you with a picture of my Cat, Bert! Hes a persian silver shaded kitty, about 1 1/2 years old. Hes at home right now, probably playing video games as normal haha. I took this pic awhile ago and love it...hes a pretty chill kitty who requires a lot of attention!


  1. That picture is too awesome for words.

  2. I forget your name on GS, but I saw this pic there :P Awesome pic btw.

  3. that Cat will pwn all..
    you should see the cats gamer score...
